An artful mini bouquet, tied with a sweet ribbon, this boutonniere can be bestowed on anyone deserving a bit of extra recognition at your event. This lovely little arrangement is hand made with our favorite and best floral elements to lend a pop of elegance to any lapel. We can use a simple and modern style or a full and lush style, just let us know what your vibe is. If ordering this item alone without any other florals, feel free to drop us a line (include your order number in the email) to discuss any preferences, for either the flowers or the ribbon, beyond the color palette options in the dropdown fields.
An artful mini bouquet, tied with a sweet ribbon, this boutonniere can be bestowed on anyone deserving a bit of extra recognition at your event. This lovely little arrangement is hand made with our favorite and best floral elements to lend a pop of elegance to any lapel. We can use a simple and modern style or a full and lush style, just let us know what your vibe is. If ordering this item alone without any other florals, feel free to drop us a line (include your order number in the email) to discuss any preferences, for either the flowers or the ribbon, beyond the color palette options in the dropdown fields.